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Showing posts from September, 2023

Touch Typing at 50 wpm

Finally! I am almost as fast as my speed prior to learning touch typing which is at 55 wpm and reached 50 wpm. I also have not experienced a speed that is lower than 40 wpm in all of the exercises that I did today.

Touch Typing: Speed Improvement

My first ever above 30 at 32 wpm! My final test also improved from 27 wpm to 34 wpm. Done with Speed Building training for today. I tried to do the benchmark 2-minute test and was aiming for 45 wpm. After all, as you try and try the exercise, you'll get accustomed to the paragraphs that were used. It is only a matter of accuracy and speed improvement. Glad I was able to hit the target and even have some extra wpm.

Touch Typing: Lesson 13

I am already at the second to the last lesson on touch typing and I am glad that I have already reached a speed of 29 words per minute. Prior to reaching this milestone, my average speed using my natural typing form was at 55 words per minute while my most often speed on the touch typing lessons where at 27 wpm or lower. As I was typing and finishing the drills and the lessons, I came to a point where I asked how good would it be like if I reach 30 wpm and then on the next two lessons I was able to hit the 29 wpm. Here is a snapshot of that milestone. Basically, I reached a typing speed of 30 wpm but since I committed errors along the way, it was reduced to 29 wpm. Better finish the last lesson and see if I can further improve my speed. Update: Done with the 14 lessons with an average speed of 28 wpm on the final task.

SQL Journey: Blog #16

In this lesson, we will look at stored procedures and how it makes the job of querying to a database more efficient. Imagine that  a person is not that well-versed in creating SQL queries but this person needs information from the database to make informed decisions relating to his job. Well, fret not. For another geeky nerdy expert person could make the query for that person and all he has to do is to write a string of code that is not as lengthy as the stored procedure. In this case, let's say we want to know the average salary of a salesman from a company database. But we are not that well-versed with SQL. What our database developer or administrator can do is to create a stored procedure that will automate the retrieval of such information. In the database developer or administrators eyes, this is what he sees: Next, the developer / administrator will modify the stored procedure. We do the following modifications to the stored procedure: Now, the administrator of the database c

Touch Typing: Lesson 1

Following  the lessons learned on SQL, I encountered a website that teaches touch typing and figured if I really want to make the most out of using a computer, I have to use it the most efficient way possible. Although, I already have a decent typing speed, I know I still have a next level in terms of typing speed and so I embark on this journey. I have been into this for four days now finishing two lessons daily. And so, here I am, already at lesson number 8.  I still have to get back to Alex's lesson on stored procedures. I already had a glimpse and listened to the lesson and found that I have to be mentally prepared for that lesson as I find that lesson really useful in executing commands in SQL particularly in automating some of the commands.

SQL Journey: Blog #15

I am now on SQL Advanced queries and the lesson focused on temp tables. As the name suggests, temp tables allow us to create tables outside of the database which is stored somewhere in memory. What I find interesting about this lesson is the fact that we can extract a table from our database and store it on our temp table for FASTER data manipulation and analysis LOCALLY. I could imagine a scenario wherein I am working from home and I am told to work on a specific table on the database that is situated miles away but can be accessed using the internet. Now, instead of wasting internet resources every time I get data and execute SQL queries to and from the database, I can now extract the tables I need from the database, work on it it locally and then be able to report the needed insights and visualizations.

SQL Journey: Blog #14

I am now on what Alex the Analyst would call the advanced SQL queries. First off, the Common Table Expression or CTEs. Based on what I understood in the video, CTEs is similar to a function or class in Python which you can call out. It is just how I felt when I first encountered this expression. Now, in this particular case, I tried to replicate what Alex is doing but also not copying the codes that he is using. I am just simply trying to understand what the expression that was used (which starts with WITH) and then observe how he used the said expression. This was my code. Now this code, resulted in the following error. Msg 8156, Level 16, State 1, Line 84 The column 'EmployeeID' was specified multiple times for 'CTE_Employee'. What does someone do in this day and age if we encounter something that bogs us down? We go to the internet especially to AI tools to aid us out. And, apparently, these tools will really come in handy. It stated that the error occurred because I

SQL Journey: Blog #13

I just would like to pass by and state that: WHERE comes first before GROUP BY while GROUP BY comes first before HAVING. We cannot use WHERE if the condition is an AGGREGATE function i.e. COUNT, AVG, MAX. In these cases, we use HAVING. Also, when using CASE statement, bear in mind that the result of a case statement is ANOTHER COLUMN. In other words, it is like creating a new column in MS Excel while using an IF-ELSE statement to populate the contents of that column. Since it is another column, it is written as one of the columns that needs to be on the output of the select statement. For example, Notice that we put a comma before we used the case statement and we named the column output of the case statement as IncreasedSalary. Here is also a trick when one wants to delete data in the table. Deleting values in a table is a very crucial thing that must be taken with caution because one misstep and one can delete the whole table. So to do away with this and ensure that you are deleting

SQL Journey: Blog #12

What's up Nixers! After finishing the Power BI tutorial by Alex the Analyst, I decided to embark on learning SQL once again. A sort of a review of what I have already learned in Khan Academy. I am already in 5 of the 17 videos in this playlist. The reason why I decided on this next step is to test my knowledge of SQL following what I have learned in Khan Academy. I thought to myself that if I can use my SQL skills to do what he instructs before looking at the code he uses, then I will have better confidence moving forward. If not, I will have a serious look at what I lack and improve on those things. The things that I noticed is that Alex uses SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) while Khan Academy uses SQLlite.js. I learned the difference the hard way as I committed errors in the codes that I used. In SQLlite, the use of 'TEXT' as a data type was now changed to 'varchar(size)'  is prevalently used in SQLServer. Also, when assigning values, the use of single-quotatio

Power BI Journey: Blog #8

It is finished! The second to the last vlog talked about the different visualizations and when they are appropriate to be applied while the last vlog was about the final project which utilized all the lessons learned from Vlog 1 up to now. And, here is my final output. In the above dashboard, we can see some demographics as indicated by the 630 total survey participants with an average age of 29.87 years old. We can also see that data scientist has the highest average salary ($94k) followed by data engineer ($65k) then data architect ($64k) among data professionals. We can also see that the favorite programming language of  data professionals is Python, followed by R and other programming languages and the distribution of data professionals in each of the given programming languages. For example, for those who selected Python as their favorite programming language, 255 of those were data analyst, 54 are either a student or still looking for a job or no job at all, while 54 have other j

Power BI Journey: Blog #7

In this lesson, the focus was on bins and lists. From what I understand in the video, list is a grouping of items into one specific heading / group name while a bin is a sort of box where you put data inside this box once it is within the range of values acceptable to a specific bin. I also noticed that bins and lists must be done prior to visualization which means that all these preparations must be done in the Power Query Editor. Here is an example of a list. And, here is an example of a bin. After executing the previous two windows, two additional columns will be added to our data. Basically, these bins and lists capability is like an automatic "IF-ELSE" statement which gives the name of the bin / group when it satisfies a condition. Now, that we have prepared the data, we now proceed with the visualization. Here is for the Customer group list: Here is for the Data Purchased bins: