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Touch Typing: Lesson 13

I am already at the second to the last lesson on touch typing and I am glad that I have already reached a speed of 29 words per minute. Prior to reaching this milestone, my average speed using my natural typing form was at 55 words per minute while my most often speed on the touch typing lessons where at 27 wpm or lower. As I was typing and finishing the drills and the lessons, I came to a point where I asked how good would it be like if I reach 30 wpm and then on the next two lessons I was able to hit the 29 wpm.

Here is a snapshot of that milestone.

Basically, I reached a typing speed of 30 wpm but since I committed errors along the way, it was reduced to 29 wpm. Better finish the last lesson and see if I can further improve my speed.


Done with the 14 lessons with an average speed of 28 wpm on the final task.
