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Power BI Journey: Blog #7

In this lesson, the focus was on bins and lists. From what I understand in the video, list is a grouping of items into one specific heading / group name while a bin is a sort of box where you put data inside this box once it is within the range of values acceptable to a specific bin. I also noticed that bins and lists must be done prior to visualization which means that all these preparations must be done in the Power Query Editor.

Here is an example of a list.

And, here is an example of a bin.

After executing the previous two windows, two additional columns will be added to our data.

Basically, these bins and lists capability is like an automatic "IF-ELSE" statement which gives the name of the bin / group when it satisfies a condition. Now, that we have prepared the data, we now proceed with the visualization.

Here is for the Customer group list:

Here is for the Data Purchased bins:
