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Coursehero: The Warnings I received on my Tutor Account (2022)

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions of the blogger does not reflect the Coursehero platform. The information provided here are solely intended for those who want information regarding their frequently asked questions or questions that are bogging them for a while. The information provided here may not be exhaustive but hopefully give light to some of your unanswered queries.

Hi Nixers! It has been a while since my last blog. I have been quite busy these past few days and by busy, I mean, hustling on my Coursehero account. I have set daily earnings goals and I am happy that I have been consistent with it as of time of this writing.

Also, I have been considering of having a side hustle as an online freelancer. So stay tuned for updates regarding this journey in the near future. Shin the Freelancer has a nice ring to it. I get to serve people who needs my services in a niche that I get to choose. Enough of this for now, let's go back to the main topic.

I was going into the tutors group when I encountered someone who asks another hero if he have received a warning for skipping too many questions. The hero who was asked is like a legend. I am actually inspired by a milestone that he has reached. His post was about reaching the 3000 questions milestone. Yes! You heard it here first. A mythical glory Coursehero has answered a whopping 3000 questions. And, added to that was the icing on the cake - he was so approachable. He answered the question saying that, yes, he did received warnings for skipping too many questions and what he does is he unchecks the subject where he skipped too many questions and then focus on subjects where he did not skipped questions. Then, he will not answer for about a month just to make sure that he lay low on that particular subject where he skipped too many questions.

And so, I thought of sharing the warnings that I have received on my tutor account.

(1) Warning for giving an incorrect answer.

Only answer questions you are confident on or else you will receive the fury and wrath of students who will report you to the ends of the earth. Whoahahahaha! (Insert Mortal Combat theme...) Anyway, that is basically it. One of the things that you need to protect as a hero is your Hero Rating. As of this time of writing, yours truly have a helpful rating of...

Now, you may think. Nah, this person is just bragging. Well, yeah. I need some external validation too, you know. Kidding aside, I would like to show this to you since I also went as far down as a helpful rate of 80%. Why is this helpful rating important? You see, the average helpful rating is 85% and with news about heroes being removed from the platform, you'll really wonder that you'll be next if you don't behave yourself and increase your helpful rating.

Now, question. If my hero rating becomes 66%, 70% will I be automatically removed? Base on my scanning through the tutors group, a lot of heroes were not removed and are even motivated to increase their helpful ratings. Yes, there is a way to increase the helpful rating and climb back up again just like I did. You see, the helpful rating is the 30 latest helpful (or unhelpful) ratings you received. For example, if on your latest 30 questions, students gave you 25 helpful ratings and 5 unhelpful ratings, that would be 25 over 30 or 83% helpful rating. In other words, the way to recover and improve your helpful rating is to make sure that the explanations provided to students are of high quality that, even if you are not there with the student, he will feel you are there helping him/her through your step-by-step and easily digestible flow of information through text.

(2) Warning: Unnecessary and Irrelevant Comments

Basically, use the comments section to ask students for clarifications regarding their questions. Communicate if there are some lacking information (normally, lacking givens) that you need that was not provided in the problem statement.

Based on experience, do not use the comments section to rant, ridicule or bully students. Though I have not done this, I have to stress that Coursehero is a learner-centered platform and it is not professional to do such things especially in the comments section where those rants would be read by other tutors in the community. It would be wiser to contact support and hope that they would grant you what you are expecting. But if not, I understand if you will be demotivated and sulk for a few days feeling the sadness of having received an unhelpful rating or worse, if you were flagged unhelpful even if you did your part well and yet it was still not enough. BUT! This is where mindset comes in. There are still many students who need your work as a hero. If one popcorn fell on your bowl, would you sulk long for that dirty popcorn or focus on the feast of bowl right in front of you. So, you may sulk but don't do it long. You have to rise back up and earn your living and be of service to those who need you.

(3) Warning: Incomplete Answer
By the way there was also an update last September 13 regarding a 14-day probation or removal (chilllllsss) for heroes who repeatedly do the same violations.

That's about it for now. Thank you for reading this blog up to this point. Please let me know you pass by here by writing some comments. That would be very much appreciated. Until next time, Nixer.
