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Coursehero: The Comments that I received from Students all over the world (2022)

What's up Nixers!

I was inspired to do a blog today since I was supposed to watch some netflix videos but figured why not pass by here for a while. I recently visited my account and found that my latest answer was tagged as helpful by the student with a custom-made message with a heart.

For those of you who do not know, there are three things that you get to receive from students when answering questions in Coursehero. 

(1) Unhelpful which means your answer may either be incorrect, was no longer needed by the student (since the submission of the assignment has already lapsed and you were too late to answer the question) or they just don't feel connected to your solution. You see, in this platform, you really cannot please everybody. I find it a hard and bitter pill to swallow. After all, I did my part. I dedicated brain cells to answer the question and yet, it was unhelpful? Worst of all, I won't get paid for that time I spent answering the question. But yeah, one thing that we need to learn on this platform is to focus on the bright side and the other students that needs our help. One of these days, your helpful rating may rise again as you improve on your craft.

(2) No rating which means nada. The student may just not feel to give you the helpful rating or they are not online when you gave the answer and so forgot about pressing the helpful button. Whatever their reason may be, it's all good. You get to be paid even if there was no rating. 

(3) Helpful rating which means Hooray! You did a great job and the student appreciate the work that you've done. Your answer is correct. Your answer is step by step. They were able to understand the key concepts more. Whatever the reason may be, receiving a helpful rating is like fuel to keep the fire burning on serving students one question at a time. 

For this blog, I'll only focus more on the comments that I received from those who tagged my answer as helpful. Common comments such as Clear Formatting, Thorough explanation and Easy to follow are the three default comments that students may give after finding your answer as helpful.

"Out of the fullness of the heart, the students comment."

Basically, some students does not let go of a great answer every once in a while so here are the comments that I received from my awesome students all over the world. By the way, as of the time of this writing, I have already answered 724 questions in the platform.

234 of the questions were tagged as helpful by students.

Here are some of the comments that students left.

Some students even flatter you.

And, these are comments where I really felt my work is making a difference to the lives of the learner.

It has been a great journey. For months, I have been answering questions while also looking for ways to maximize my earnings and be able to have that sweet spot of time when to answer questions and when it is available.

I am also trying to learn how to be of service to business owners and trying to educate my self on this aspect. Hopefully I get to land a freelancing job that would be a good fit to my skills and also be a great learning experience while creating ultimate freedom and autonomy in my life moving forward.

That's about it. Hopefully you find this blog entry motivating. This is Shin, signing off.
