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Showing posts from December, 2022

Coursehero: The Comments that I received from Students all over the world (2022)

What's up Nixers! I was inspired to do a blog today since I was supposed to watch some netflix videos but figured why not pass by here for a while. I recently visited my account and found that my latest answer was tagged as helpful by the student with a custom-made message with a heart. For those of you who do not know, there are three things that you get to receive from students when answering questions in Coursehero.  (1) Unhelpful which means your answer may either be incorrect, was no longer needed by the student (since the submission of the assignment has already lapsed and you were too late to answer the question) or they just don't feel connected to your solution. You see, in this platform, you really cannot please everybody. I find it a hard and bitter pill to swallow. After all, I did my part. I dedicated brain cells to answer the question and yet, it was unhelpful? Worst of all, I won't get paid for that time I spent answering the question. But yeah, one thing tha

Coursehero: The Warnings I received on my Tutor Account (2022)

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions of the blogger does not reflect the Coursehero platform. The information provided here are solely intended for those who want information regarding their frequently asked questions or questions that are bogging them for a while. The information provided here may not be exhaustive but hopefully give light to some of your unanswered queries. Hi Nixers! It has been a while since my last blog. I have been quite busy these past few days and by busy, I mean, hustling on my Coursehero account. I have set daily earnings goals and I am happy that I have been consistent with it as of time of this writing. Also, I have been considering of having a side hustle as an online freelancer. So stay tuned for updates regarding this journey in the near future. Shin the Freelancer has a nice ring to it. I get to serve people who needs my services in a niche that I get to choose. Enough of this for now, let's go back to the main topic. I was going into the tutors group