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Showing posts from July, 2023

My Python Journey: Blog #1

It has been a while since my last blog entry. Today, I want to document my thought process on how I created a Python program that would generate a step-by-step solution to Statistics worded problems. It started with a why: "Why should I automate the writing of solutions to Statistics problems?" My first reason was that I encounter certain problems in the tutoring platform that are frequently recurring. Only the givens in the problem changes but the steps are all the same. This means that every time I encounter these problems, I have to re-type the procedure with all the LaTeX formatting involved in certain formulas. And, that is somewhat frustrating. Time is gold has never been this real to me. And the time I spend on one problem means a delay in solving other problems. The delay means decreased revenue on my part since I can solve only a limited number of problems within a day.  Because of this frustration, I thought of an idea. "What if I create an MS Excel or Word Doc